Do you need funds to launch a new activity with significant investments or to develop your business?
2AS can help you to consider non-bank external financing from investors as part of a fundraiser.
Convincing investors to participate in the financing of your project cannot be improvised.
Our firm 2AS being a specialist in fundraising, ensures within the framework of fundraising the following approach:
- First of all, 2AS ensure through its large network of partners "clients and investment funds" with who 2AS has collaborated for years, the appropriate funder for your project and who best responds to your financing through the best financial conditions.
- Subsequently, preparation is necessary to present your project and seduce. 2AS ensures, in this context, optimal support for its clients and prepares beforehand a presentation which is formalized by:
- The executive summary highlighting the presentation of the company, its activities, its flagship products ... etc;
- The business plan, which is a detailed presentation of the project with tables of financial statements based on reliable assumptions. Several formats can be combined (PowerPoint, video, elevator pitch).
- Finally, challenging the BP with the investment fund and once validated, proceed to the negotiation of the entry and exit conditions of the donors and which are agreed and fixed from the start and before funds release.
- 2AS allows you to make people want to follow you in your idea and allows you to avoid the classic traps to enhance the attractiveness of your project, such as significantly increasing sales volumes and turnover.